Dr. Debra Peppers, host of the "Outreach Connection" show sits down with Author Tass Abu Saada. Tass Abu Saada was born a Muslum but now serves Jesus. He has written a book called "Born To Kill Jews". Tass Abu Saada, also authored the book "Once An Arafat Man", he used to believe that a good Jew was a dead Jew. His hatred was so strong he dreamed of poisoning Jews who frequented the restaurant where he worked. In 1974, Tass came to the United States. He found Americans generally to be loving and caring, completely opposite of what he had been taught, so he decided to stay by marrying an American girl (Karen). He became very successful in the hotel and restaurant business and became an American citizen in 1979. Following a radical conversion experience in 1993, he became a Christian and now has a ministry in Jericho reaching out to children, with a vision to start a kindergarten in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City.